Ski and Snowboard lessons

Ski- and Snowboard lessons for children

Group lessons – MINIS (3-5 years) and beginners
For children from the age of 3 onwards we conduct our Group lessons in the „Loser Ski-Kinderland“. In two one-hour-lessons per day we provide the perfect conditions to get acquainted with techniques and materials. The lessons take place in a safe and fun environment. Furthermore, every day the new downhill aces will have the opportunity to enjoy a hearty lunch, together with their fellow students and instructors.

Hint: To practice skiing together does not only further motor skills but also the social development of children and young adults. It is the perfect way for making friends for a lifetime!

Group lessons - „PISTENFLITZER“ (6 years and older)
„Pistenflitzer“ are trained for two hours before and two hours after lunch. To ensure optimal learning outcomes for them, we focus on the perfect tempo and the perfect terrain. Lunch break takes place in a restaurant under the supervision of our instructors.

Hint: Our Ski School race is especially popular. It takes place every Thursday.

Private lessons
Here progress is exceptional because our instructors can focus on the individual needs of every single pupil. They may extend from singular units to a whole week of personal coaching.

Ski- and Snowboard lessons for adults

Our instructors are very experienced with coaching pupils of all ages in the arts of downhill skiing and snowboarding. Their proven methods and individual teaching approaches ensure that the basics are learned quickly. You will carve your path over blue slopes effortlessly in no time at all.

Advances riders
After taking private advanced and individual lessons with our experienced and knowledgeable instructors, you will quickly earn the skills and confidence to deal with red and black slopes on your own with ease.

You want to optimize your carving-, brief swinging- and deep snow-riding skills? We have the perfect tools to fine tune your technique! Success is guaranteed!

Hint: Due to high demand during the high season, it is advisable to book lessons online in advance. Any online registration is considered non-binding.